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*Hargreaves v Revenue and Customs Commissioners

Capital gains tax – Assessment. The Court of Appeal, Civil Division, dismissed a taxpayer's appeal against a finding that there was no right to a separate preliminary hearing to determine whether, under s 29 of the Taxes Management Act 1970, the Revenue and Customs Commissioners had validly made a discovery assessment. 

*Lehman Brothers Luxembourg Investments SARL v Lehman Brothers UK Holdings Ltd (in administration)

Company – Administration order. The Chancery Division made a ruling with regard to the solvency of he defendant company, Lehman Brothers UK Holdings Ltd, which was in administration. The court held that the solvency condition in the standard terms of three loan agreements would be satisfied in the case of the defendant. As a result, the claimant company was entitled to the relief that it claimed as a creditor of the defendant. 

Khan v Secretary of State for the Home Department

Immigration – Leave to remain – Right to family life. Court of Session: Refusing an appeal by a Pakistani national against a decision of the Upper Tribunal adhering to a decision of the First Tier Tribunal (FTT) upholding the respondent's decision to refuse his application for leave to remain in the UK as the spouse of a British citizen, the court held that the FTT was entitled to conclude that the appellant's case did not amount to a disproportionate interference with his or his wife's rights under art 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights: there were no weighty or exceptional factors which could have justified granting leave outwith the Immigration Rules on the basis of art 8 proportionality. 

Attorney General's Reference (No 16/2016);

Sentence – Sexual offences against children. The Court of Appeal, Criminal Division, held that a community order for 3 years, with a rehabilitation activity requirement for 60 days, for 8 counts of sexual activity with a child aged 14, had not been unduly lenient in the particular circumstances of the present case. 

KCR v Scout Association

Damages – Personal injury. The Queens' Bench Division, in a case where liability was admitted in respect of historic sexual abuse by a scout camp leader, heard evidence in respect of the amount of an award of damages for the claimant who had been one of the victims. The court allowed an award for pain, suffering and loss of amenity but rejected any award for past or future loss of earnings, for handicap on the open labour market or for therapy and no separate award by way of aggravated damages. 

Bacciottini and another v Gotelee and Goldsmith (A Firm)

Solicitor – Negligence. The Court of Appeal, Civil Division, dismissed the claimants' appeal in respect of the applicable measure of damages, which arose out of the admitted negligence on the part of the defendant solicitors' firm in respect of a property transaction. In upholding the judge's award of £250, representing the cost of an application to the local authority to remove a planning restriction on the property, it held that, by reason of the subsequent removal of the restriction, the claimants had suffered no loss and there was nothing in respect of which they required to be compensated. 

Bapco Closures Research Ltd and another v Selpac Europe Ltd

Patent – Infringement. The Chancery Division dismissed the claimant companies' claim that the defendant had infringed their patent, European Patent (UK) 1 656 306, entitled 'opening devices for foil closures'. Neither of the defendant's products fell within the scope of either of the claimants' claims. It followed that none of the defendant's acts had infringed the patent. 

C v V

Minor – Custody. The Family Division held that the father's defences under arts 12 and 13 of the Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction 1980 had not been made out and the two children retained by him in the United Kingdom had to be returned to Spain where their mother resided and where they had been habitually resident. 

Re Indemnity Guarantee Assurance Ltd;

Company – Administration order. The Companies Court held that Council Regulation (EC) 1346/2000 applied to the administration of a company which was authorised to undertake both insurance and reinsurance business but which, in practice, only undertook the latter type of business. 

Attorney General's References (Nos 02/2016 and 03/2016);

Sentence – Robbery. The Court of Appeal, Criminal Division, held that, on the facts, a sentence of 27 months' imprisonment for an offence of attempted robbery had not been unduly lenient. Although a much higher starting point might have been expected, namely one of four years, that had not rendered the adopted starting point of three years' imprisonment unduly lenient. 

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