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Trilogy Management Ltd v Harcus Sinclair (a firm)

Practice – Striking out. In the defendant solicitors' firm's application for summary judgment or strike out, the Chancery Division permitted the claimant to apply for permission to amend the particulars of claim to raise a new cause of action on terms that the defendant was entitled to raise and rely upon any limitation defence it would have if the claimant had issued fresh proceedings at the date of the amendment. 

Actavis UK Ltd and others v Eli Lilly & Co

Patent – Infringement. The Patents Court made rulings in proceedings concerning a patent owned by the defendant company, Eli Lilly, for a product used to treat lung cancer. It held that declarations of non-infringement would be granted in respect of each of the four designations of the patent in issue. Both parties would have permission to apply to the court in the event of a material change of circumstances. Further, declarations were made that two letters sent by Eli Lilly in the course of proceedings did not constitute legally binding undertakings. 

*Family Mosaic Home Ownership Ltd v Peer Real Estate Ltd

Practice – Chancery Division. The Chancery Division allowed an application to transfer a case to the Shorter Trial Scheme. In doing so, the court gave guidance on the court's jurisdiction to transfer an existing case in or out of the scheme. 

Sanoma Media Finland Oy - Nelonen Media v Viestintavirasto

European Union – Telecommunications. The Court of Justice of the European Union gave a preliminary ruling on the interpretation of arts 19(1) and 23(1) and (2) of Directive 2010/13/EU. The request had been made in proceedings between Sanoma Media Finland Oy–Nelonen Media (Sanoma) and the Finnish Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, concerning the legality of a decision by which the Regulatory Authority had found that Sanoma had infringed Finnish law relating to television advertising and had ordered it to remedy the situation. 

Air Baltic Corporation AS v Lietuvos Respublikos specialiuju tyrimu tarnyba

European Union – Air Transport. The Court of Justice of the European Union made a preliminary ruling, deciding that the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air, in particular arts 19, 22 and 29 thereof, should be interpreted as meaning that an air carrier which had concluded a contract of international carriage with an employer of persons carried as passengers, such as the employer at issue in the main proceedings, was liable to that employer for damage occasioned by a delay in flights on which its employees had been passengers pursuant to that contract, on account of which the employer had incurred additional expenditure. 

Narandas-Girdhar and another v Bradstock

Insolvency – Voluntary arrangement. The Court of Appeal, Civil Division, dismissed an appeal against the refusal to set aside an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA). The judge had given the debtor's modified proposal the correct construction and had not erred in finding that it was not conditional upon the debtor's wife's IVA also being approved. Further, the judge had not erred in finding that the Revenue and Customs Commissioners had subsequently ratified the proxy vote cast on its behalf, even though the proxy form had not specifically addressed the proposal that had eventually been passed. 

Re JSC Mezhdunarodniy Promyshlenniy Bank; JSC Mezhdunarodniy Promyshlenniy Bank and another v Pugachev

Practice – Pre-trial or post-judgment relief. The Chancery Division dismissed an application by trustees of trusts, to which the Russian banker Sergei Pugachev was a discretionary beneficiary, to discharge a worldwide freezing order granted to the claimants where there had been no culpable non-disclosure as alleged and where there was a real risk of dissipation of assets. 

Syred v Powszecnny Zaklad Ubezpieczen (PZU) SA and others

Road traffic – Accident. The Queen's Bench Division held in relation to a claimant who had suffered serious injuries following ejection from the back seat of a car in which he had not been wearing as seatbelt, that, having regard to Polish law he would be found 5% contributory negligent having regard to his injuries. In calculating his past loss of earnings, the claimant had to be given credit for benefits received in the United Kingdom. 

RMC Building and Civil Engineering Ltd v UK Construction Ltd

Building contract – Adjudication. The Technology and Construction Court, on the claimant's application for summary judgment to enforce a decision of an adjudicator, held that, as it had rejected the defendant's challenges to the jurisdiction of the adjudicator and its complaint that the adjudicator had wrongly decided the question of whether the relevant application for payment had been withdrawn, there had to be summary judgment for the claimant as claimed. The present was not one of the rare cases in which there should be a stay of enforcement of any part of the judgment sum. 

Salutas Pharma GmbH v Hauptzollamt Hanover

European Union – Customs and excise. The Court of Justice of the European Union gave a preliminary ruling, deciding that the Combined Nomenclature in Annex I to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87, as amended, should be interpreted as meaning that a product, such as effervescent tablets with a calcium content of 500 mg per tablet that was used for the prevention and treatment of a calcium deficiency and to support a special therapy for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, and for which the maximum recommended daily dose for adults indicated on the label was 1,500 mg, fell within heading 3004 of that nomenclature. 

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