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‘Advocate’: new face for the Bar’s pro bono charity

With a name change and new digital platform, Advocate revitalises the Bar’s contribution to access to justice. Chair Sir Robin Knowles CBE explains the rebrand to  Counsel 

23 October 2018

New chapter: ending sexual harassment at the Bar

It’s not just women who are victims, not just men who are perpetrators and not just dinosaurs who are the problem. Sophie Garner and Esther Gamble outline the new Bar Council guidance on sexual harassment – busting myths, altering mindsets and powering collaborative change  

28 September 2018 / Sophie Garner / Esther Gamble

Everything you need to know about the future of Bar training

Bar Standards Board Director-General Dr Vanessa Davies summarises what is and is not changing to the process by which prospective barristers will train and qualify from 2019  

28 September 2018 / Dr Vanessa Davies

Interview: Lord Sumption

The magic of the Bar, call of the Bench and parallel lives: in a rare interview Lord Sumption sets the record straight with Anthony Inglese  

28 September 2018 / Anthony Inglese CB

Employed Bar Award Winners 2018

The vital work of the in-house barristers was recognised at the second Bar Council Employed Bar Awards ceremony. Melissa Coutinho profiles today’s employed practice and quizzes the winners  

28 September 2018 / Melissa Coutinho
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Pro Bono Watch

With the start of the legal year, the Bar Pro Bono Unit marks a new beginning of its own as we introduce our new Head of Casework, Melanie Ross  

28 September 2018 / Jess Campbell

Finding your feet

Never be afraid to ask for help – and more time. When Counsel  grilled recent pupils about their scariest first experiences, a common theme soon emerged… 


Not (yet) glass shattering

Given today’s judicial recruitment crisis it couldn’t be more urgent that the Bar keeps its best candidates for Silk and beyond, writes Lynne Townley, with tips from a recent clinic getting barristers QC-application-ready  

31 August 2018 / Lynne Townley

Barristers’ Working Lives 2017: something must be done

Interesting work, challenging times, owning our troubles: the Bar’s stark attitudinal survey results are analysed by David Wurtzel 

31 August 2018 / David Wurtzel

Briefing: the integrity factor

How much weight should be attached to the integrity factor in Silk applications? James Hines QC comments on the QCA proposals  

31 August 2018 / James Hines KC
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Investment in justice

The Bar Council will press for investment in justice at party conferences, the Chancellor’s Budget and Spending Review

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