Chair's Column


Our future, our fight(s)

Putting the weight of the whole profession behind the Bar’s key causes, Andrew Walker QC highlights this month’s areas of concern  

01 June 2018 / Andrew Walker KC

Fixing the shattered system

The future of the criminal Bar and of criminal justice are inseparably intertwined. The fight is for both, writes Andrew Walker QC  

30 April 2018 / Andrew Walker KC

Public understanding and the value of justice

If we want to raise the value and funding of justice, more barristers talking directly to the public is key, argues Andrew Walker QC  

03 April 2018 / Andrew Walker KC

The value of a strong and independent legal profession

Protecting endangered lawyers and the rule of law: Andrew Walker QC underlines the growing concerns and global initiatives  

20 February 2018 / Andrew Walker KC

Passing the justice parcel

What are the consequences for the rule of law, judicial independence and court reform, asks Andrew Walker QC  

Clarke 28; Grayling 32; Gove 14; Truss 11; Lidington 7. 

23 January 2018 / Andrew Walker KC

Managing our own destiny

QASA is dead, long live excellence. Time to fill the gap and control our own standards, writes Andrew Walker QC  

20 December 2017 / Andrew Walker KC

A parting shot from the chair

Down with overnight emails and judicial micromanagement, let’s give our brilliant young advocates a chance, writes Andrew Langdon QC in his final column for Counsel  

So, three things: emails and work/life balance; death by case management; and the future of the profession. 

27 November 2017 / Andrew Langdon KC
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Our Legal Services are GREAT. But for whom?

Upper or lower case, if we want our legal services to be truly great we must invest in serving our citizens in their greatest need, argues Andrew Langdon QC  

Between 2006 and 2016, the amount spent by our government on legal aid fell from £2.4bn to £1.6bn.  

22 October 2017 / Andrew Langdon KC
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Keeping justice open

We have much to lose, both as a profession and society, if face-to-face court contact is lost and replaced by a second-best form of remote justice, warns Andrew Langdon QC  

01 October 2017 / Andrew Langdon KC
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A right, not a commodity

Officious and objectionable Ministry speak betrays an unacceptable misunderstanding of the purpose of administration of justice and should be resisted, argues Andrew Langdon QC  

At some point in recent history, I’m not sure when, the language used to describe people who go to court changed.  

29 August 2017 / Andrew Langdon KC
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Chair’s Column

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New year, new beginnings

Barbara Mills KC, the new Chair of the Bar, outlines some key themes and priorities

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