Tokyo’s AI mock trial

An elegant experiment – but what does the Tokyo AI mock trial actually show? ask William Blair and Takashi Kubota* 

11 September 2023 / William Blair / Takashi Kubota

Aligning AI with access to justice

The Bar stands to gain by aligning its use of AI with improvements in access to justice and our working lives, write Harry Hodgkin and Stephen Ward 

11 September 2023 / Harry Hodgkin / Stephen Ward

Everyday EDI

‘Every Day Gender Equality’ at Freshfields has changed culture, fostered allyship and triggered other initiatives. Chantelle Nicholas, Jenny Leahy and Rachel Brooks share its key points with the Bar


The Black Talent Charter and drive for race equity at the Bar

George Floyd would have been astonished to learn that his death had opened the eyes of UK financial and professional leaders to the inequities faced by Black professionals here. But what if he had asked,  Will it actually change anything?’   Harry Matovu KC, Laura Durrant and Olivia Roberts on the Black Talent Charter


The art of perseverance and advantages of rejection

A story of rejection, self-improvement and finding one’s forte in the process, by Olufemi Awodele

13 February 2023 / Olufemi Awodele

Thrive with EDI

Why doing just enough on EDI is not enough: Chris Kelly highlights the benefits of best practice, and provides a refresher on the requirements

13 February 2023 / Chris Kelly

RBB’s 10 next steps for an anti-racist justice system

In 2022, the Racial Bias and the Bench report found evidence of institutional racism in the justice system and fundamental flaws in the Judicial Diversity Strategy. Change is coming and all judges and lawyers can help revitalise the rule of law by implementing RBB’s 10 anti-racist recommendations, say Keir Monteith KC and Professor Leslie Thomas KC


Deepfakes in the courts

Fake news, revenge porn, ‘black mirror’ – and now deepfakes are making it into quite low-level court cases. How can lawyers prepare, what duties of care might be imposed, and how might courts deal with the deepfake era? By Professor Lilian Edwards

05 December 2022 / Professor Lilian Edwards

Black inclusion and the Commercial Bar

Uncomfortable as it is, every barrister is invited to read this report and to reflect on how things need to change. The experiences and views shared confidentially by Black barristers are powerful and very challenging, write Krista Lee KC, Gary Pryce and Brie Stevens-Hoare KC


Building on Sowande’s legacy

This month ASPIRE – as part of its mission to improve the visibility and advancement of Black lawyers – hosted a performance of Just an Ordinary Lawyer,  a moving retrospective of the life of Tunji Sowande, with a Q&A and networking. Report by Earl Pinnock and Thomas Schofield

28 October 2022 / Earl Pinnock / Thomas Schofield
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Chair’s Column

Heading into summer

Chair of the Bar Sam Townend KC encourages colleagues to take a proper break over summer and highlights recent events and key activities for autumn

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