Legal Personality


Attorney General: Michael Ellis QC MP

From Northampton’s criminal Bar to top legal officer: Michael Ellis, the UK’s first ever maternity leave minister, talks to Anthony Inglese CB about living up to type, getting ‘good things done within the law’, and what he thinks about judges

01 August 2021 / Anthony Inglese CB

Hooked on fraud: Sara Lawson QC

SFO’s General Counsel on the highs (and lows) of complex economic crime investigations and getting more women into fraud law. Interview by Anthony Inglese CB

15 July 2021 / Anthony Inglese CB

What I've learnt... The Seitlers

Jonathan Seitler QC and Miriam Seitler discuss Carpool Case Law, the Bar today and the ‘business development’ side of the job


Laws of humanity: Karim Khan QC

Making sure international justice works effectively and realising what matters – Karim Khan QC, the new Chief Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court, talks to Monica Feria-Tinta

02 July 2021 / Monica Feria-Tinta

Making it count: Mary Prior QC

‘Permitting vulnerable people to be heard is a difficult role, but I have so much joy from it.’ Mary Prior QC shares life lessons with Aadhithya Anbahan 

03 June 2021 / Aadhithya Anbahan

Professionally Embarrassing

Malvika Jaganmohan and Madeleine Whelan's family law podcast doesn’t shy away from the difficult topics... 


Called to the Baa! Sarah Langford

The barrister-author talks to Chris Henley QC about the parallels between farming and farmers, and the law and barristers, and the dilemmas of combining young children with continued practice at the Bar

02 June 2021 / Chris Henley KC

Meet the Pro Bono Award Winners 2020

Now in its third year, the Bar Pro Bono Awards is already a firm fixture in the legal awards calendar. Rebecca Wilkie introduces the inspirational stories behind the awards...  

07 May 2021 / Rebecca Wilkie

Dieu et mon droit

A fictionalised account of hidden battles during an ‘ordinary’ court day. By Rehna Azim 

06 May 2021 / Rehna Azim

CrimeGirl... on maternity leave

A day in the life of the junior criminal barrister/Twitter sensation who is currently on maternity leave with her second child while her husband is away on a lengthy military tour of duty 

01 May 2021 / CrimeGirl
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Looking back and moving on

Chair of the Bar Sam Townend KC highlights some of the key achievements at the Bar Council this year

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