He called for the Bar to focus on the high quality of its advocacy and advisory work, carried out in the public interest, which will ensure that the English Bar continues to be seen as the best in the world.

Tim Dutton said:
‘We must always keep in mind what it is that is special which the Bar has to offer to the public. We are recognised the world over for
being expert advocates and advisers – perhaps pre-eminent around the world in these skills. It is these which give us a special feature, the fact that very few complaints are made against our members, and the fact that we are well regulated, and much more economically than our competitors. These features taken together are the key things which define the Bar of England and Wales.’

We are guided by the “public interest”. By this we mean the need for members of the public to have access to high quality advocacy irrespective of means. Although we face challenges we will remain in the long term future a very strong profession on which societydepends and will do so increasingly. Of course there will be pressures on particular sectors of our profession from time to time, but those pressures will I believe drive us to greater cohesion and singleness of purpose.’