It aims to encourage more junior barristers to gain an international perspective on legal issues and help them thrive in an increasingly globalised legal market. In return for the financial support the successful applicants commit to disseminating the knowledge and experience among junior members of his or her SBA. It his hoped that other SBAs will join this programme in due course.

Interesting international events coming up this year include:

  • ABA annual meeting, San Francisco, 5-10 August
  •     IBA annual conference, Vancouver, 3-8 October
  •     ABA Section for International Law Fall Meeting, Paris, 2-6 November
  •     17th Annual Commonwealth Law Conference, Hyderabad, 5-9 February 2011

However, any legal conference is eligible in principle. For more information and directions on how to apply please download and complete the application and budget forms (available on the international pages of the Bar Council website) and submit them to the relevant SBA representative (detailed on the application form) by Friday 25 June 2010. Please note that the third and final application deadline in 2010 is 29 October.

Any queries as to the application process and administration of the programme should be directed to International Projects Officer, Sarah Richardson