Ross used to make films, mostly as an editor. Film editing has been digital for years with editors using mature software, like Final Cut or Premiere, to put together films. It is inconceivable to be a film editor without that kind of software, in which an editor can bring together all of the thousands of clips they need, sort them, view them, compare them, and link them together. In other words, make sense of them as a video.

Not having it would be going back to the stone age of scissors and tape (fun and even creative, perhaps, but also slow and limiting). So as a film editor you get used to doing everything on a computer, being very organised with digital data, having very sophisticated tools at your disposal, and getting better tools all the time as they are improved.

When Ross moved into law, he was shocked to discover that an equivalent tool didn’t exist. You could create e-bundles or open documents individually, in tabs if you were lucky, and of course each in their own application. But there were only the most basic digital tools available for really getting to grips matters as they came in a multitude of document types, that needed to be opened and closed individually time and time again.

It’s all very well having a great case management system for storing and managing documents, but there was nothing for bringing all the documents together on screen that replicated working with a paper bundle:

  • have all relevant documents in one place;
  • annotate, bookmark and link at will; and
  • pick up where you left off.

Having failed to find a solution, Ross created it, and Casedo was born. In addition to creating a digital bundle experience, we’ve added, among other things, a single click table of contents and the ability to break up a monolithic PDF bundle back into its constituent parts with a single click.

Bring all your documents together into a single space. Mark them up with bookmarks, colour-coded tags, comments and links. Make sense of any set of documents simply, effectively and fast.

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