Commenting on the review Des Hudson, the Chief Executive of the Law Society, said today:

"The Society would like to thank Sir Duncan Nichol for his thorough review of the Queen's Counsel appointments system. The Society will be giving consideration to his report and recommendations. Any system could benefit from improvements to its operation and considering the potential for improvements was a key factor in Sir Duncan's terms of reference. The essential point remains that the current system is infinitely preferable to the former "soundings" behind the scenes which caused concerns over the fairness of the award of Silk in the past. Once we have considered the report we will be discussing it with the Bar and our members before confirming our decisions."

Commenting on the review, the Chief Executive of the Bar Council, David Hobart, said today:

“The review of the Queen’s Counsel appointment system is of great interest to both branches of the legal profession, its clients and the judiciary. The current system enjoys the confidence of a wide range of interested parties and ensures that ‘QC’ remains a symbol of excellence recognised the world over. The Bar Council is keen to ensure that the QC marque is not diluted, and has made suggestions to this effect to Sir Duncan in the preparation of his report. Once the Bar Council and the Law Society have had the chance to consider the report, we expect to comment further.”