Alexandra Wilson

Alexandra Wilson

Alexandra Wilson is a barrister specialising in criminal and family law at Five St Andrew’s Hill. Her book, In Black and White: A Young Barrister’s Story of Race and Class in a Broken Justice System was published by Endeavour in August 2020. Alexandra is the Founder of Black Women in Law and co-founded One Case At A Time. Twitter: @EssexBarrister. Web: essexbarrister.com

Articles by this author

Barristers look like... Alexandra Wilson

Tackling ‘isms’ from the inside and making global headlines – a remarkable young barrister shares her experience of defying the odds, breaking into an elite profession and challenging attitudes to race and class in the justice system

By Alexandra Wilson

30 November 2020

Find your way, find a mentor

Not only will you learn how to become a better barrister, but you will learn how to become a good mentor too, write Alexandra Wilson and Jamil Mohammed 

08 September 2020

Overcoming imposter syndrome

You’ve made it to the Bar – spread your wings, trust in your abilities and be your authentic self; candid advice on how to beat imposter syndrome and enrich life and practice. By Natasha Shotunde

18 April 2019
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Moving towards spring

Efforts continue on gender equality, support for the Bar, meaningful reform for the sector and advocating for the rule of law

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