Amanda de Winter

Amanda de Winter

Previously from a commercial background, Amanda was Called to the Bar in 1998. She qualified as a solicitor and worked for several years in general practice becoming a partner in a North Yorkshire firm. Amanda returned to the Bar in 2007 on the North East Circuit and in 2013 set up Barristers & Co, which is predominantly direct access.

Articles by this author

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CASE STUDY: On the high street

Amanda de Winter explains her route to setting up a high-street direct access practice and argues that a full litigation practice offers the junior Bar a viable future

Is direct access a real alternative to traditional methods of practice? My answer is a resounding yes, if you are able to offer a full litigation service to your client.

20 July 2015
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Chair’s Column

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Moving towards spring

Efforts continue on gender equality, support for the Bar, meaningful reform for the sector and advocating for the rule of law

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