Brian Lee

Brian Lee

Brian Lee is one of the senior clerks at 20 Essex Street, chambers of Mr. Iain Milligan QC. He started his career as a clerk in 1976 at the chambers of Mr. Victor Lemieux in 2 Harcourt Buildings.  He was elected (unopposed) as chair of the IBC in 2013.

Articles by this author


A Clerk’s View of the Bar Today

On 12 June 2014 the Institute of Barristers’ Clerks held its annual dinner. Guests included two Justices of The Supreme Court, The Rt Hon Lord Reed, The Rt Hon Lord Toulson, the Chancellor of the High Court, The Rt Hon Lord Justice Etherton, the Lord Chancellor, The Rt Hon Chris Grayling MP, The Rt Hon the Lord Judge and other senior judges from the High Court and circuits.

In his speech as Chairman of the IBC, Brian Lee gave his opinion on the many issues affecting the Bar today. Here is an edited version of that speech...

24 July 2014

Brian Lee

Job title
Senior Clerk, 20 Essex Street

20 Essex Street is a leading international set of commercial barristers’ chambers in London and Singapore specialising in international arbitration, commercial, EU, competition, insolvency and public international law disputes.

What have been some of the highlights of your career?
I am fortunate there have been more than a few. Being appointed Joint Senior Clerk here in ’96 was a proud day. I started clerking in ’76 in what is now Henderson Chambers for 8 years, then spent 4 years at Blackstone Chambers. I’ve been at 20 Essex Street since ’88. I was elected Chairman of the IBC in March this year, although it should be noted I was unopposed. However, my proudest moment is undoubtedly being instrumental in setting up the UK’s first fully staffed and full-time international chambers in Maxwell Chambers, Singapore in October 2009; I had been working on this behind the scenes since 2007. Meeting representatives from MinLaw and the AG’s Department in Singapore was great fun and a real eye-opener in discussing and planning with them for the future and how to succeed. That initiative has been a great success for 20 Essex Street.

30 November 2013
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