Chris Milsom

Chris Milsom

Chris, of Cloisters, specialises in employment, equality and human rights law. His ‘worker status’ cases include Day v Health Education England on the whistleblowing protection afforded to 54,000 junior doctors.

Articles by this author


Is the leak in employment protection fixed?

What’s the gig issue? Pimlico Plumbers v Smith lives up to neither its hype nor condemnation but has missed the opportunity to clarify the status of today’s app-led, on-demand workforce, writes Chris Milsom

31 August 2018

‘Uber’ising the workforce

Drivers, couriers and freelance plumbers: have the leaks in employment protection been repaired? Chris Milsom reports

The inclusion in the spring Budget of a rise in tax rates and national insurance contributions for the self-employed furrowed many brows during its short lifetime. 

30 May 2017
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Hope and expectation for the new legal year

The beginning of the legal year offers the opportunity for a renewed commitment to justice and the rule of law both at home and abroad

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