Colin Edelman KC

Colin Edelman KC

Colin is at Devereux Chambers, specialising in commercial disputes, and in particular insurance, reinsurance, professional indemnity and energy cases. He is a Deputy High Court Judge and is also frequently appointed as an arbitrator. He is currently Chairman of Bar Mutual Indemnity Fund Ltd.

Articles by this author


Safety in numbers

Colin Edelman QC on professional indemnity insurance for BSB regulated entities and the threatened future of Bar Mutual.

Self-employed barristers were first compelled to have professional indemnity insurance as a pre-condition for practice in 1980, on the basis that a responsible profession had to have regard to the interest of consumers by ensuring that consumers with valid negligence claims should not be prejudiced by the potential inability of barristers to meet judgments entered against them.

10 March 2015
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Moving towards spring

Efforts continue on gender equality, support for the Bar, meaningful reform for the sector and advocating for the rule of law

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