Dexter Dias KC

Dexter Dias KC

Dexter Dias KC practises in human rights law and is a Visiting Researcher at Cambridge University. He is the author of The Ten Types of Human: who we are and what we can be (Penguin Random House: 2018). Twitter: @DexterDiasQC


Articles by this author

Dear Prime Minister and Home Secretary

What lawyers do – a corrective and a manifesto. By Dexter Dias QC

18 November 2020

A time of progress and peril

Dexter Dias QC on the first Female Genital Mutilation prosecutions.

And so it begins. In April we finally witnessed something that activists who have been campaigning against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) for years began to doubt would ever happen: the first defendants in a UK court facing criminal prosecution. The controversy around FGM, the mutilation of the genitals of young women and girls for non-medical reasons, has attained an unprecedented public prominence. There is an ongoing Parliamentary Inquiry. Eminent politicians profess profound concern. National newspapers launch petitions; television stations air documentaries. Yet for all the exposure, two simple stories ram home the brutal reality of FGM.

16 June 2014

The US Prison Rethink

Dexter Dias QC examines the lessons the UK can learn from US mass incarceration and prison education.

The cull, when it finally came, was brutal. With a single stroke of his pen, Bill Clinton both signed the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act 1994 and eviscerated US prison education, cutting off the $200 million “Pell Grants” that funded it. Within a year, from there being 350 educational programmes in America’s penal institutions, there were less than a dozen.


10 February 2014
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Moving towards spring

Efforts continue on gender equality, support for the Bar, meaningful reform for the sector and advocating for the rule of law

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