Evanna Fruithof

Evanna Fruithof

Evanna practised at the Bar in London until 1990, then spent two years with the European Commission. She worked at Freshfields and as deputy director of an EU thinktank. She established the Bar Council’s Brussels Representation in 1999 and has served as its consultant director ever since. She is a Bencher of Middle Temple.

Articles by this author


21 years of the Bar Council’s Brussels Office

A personal reflection by Evanna Fruithof, the Bar’s eyes, ears and mouthpiece in Brussels

24 September 2020

Spring 2018: a Brussels Brexit stock-take

Is the rocky road to Brexit obscured by London fog? Taking stock from Brussels, Evanna Fruithof joins calls for fewer speeches and more legal texts

30 April 2018

BREXIT: What now for the Bar?

Evanna Fruithof outlines Brexit’s implications for barristers across practice area

Three months on from the UK’s seismic EU Referendum result, and with the brief respite of summer behind us, defining and dealing with the implications of the pending Brexit for the Bar is a major priority. 

26 September 2016
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A View from Brussels

No single market ‘à la carte’ – Evanna Fruithof reports the mood in Brussels in the aftermath of the Brexit vote

A visiting professor of EU law I know (non-UK) used to enjoy asking his students to list the six UK opt-outs from the EU. 

19 August 2016

Brexit: A new relationship

Evanna Fruithof, Alexandria Carr and Gordon Nardell QC set out possible models for the UK’s relationship with the EU post-Brexit

Following the vote to leave on 23 June, the EU awaits formal notification by Her Majesty’s government of the UK’s intention to withdraw from the world’s largest trading bloc, a notification required by the terms of Art 50 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU). 

25 July 2016

EU REFERENDUM SPECIAL: A relationship study

Evanna Fruithof sets the context to the referendum debate with a retrospective and prospective analysis of the UK-EU relationship

In January 1973, with the entry into force of the European Communities Act 1972, the UK became a member of the European Economic Community (EEC), which has evolved into the European Union (EU). 

25 April 2016

In or out? influencing the EU

Evanna Fruithof considers the effects of the UK’s changing relationship with the EU on Bar interests

Recently, I took part in a debate organised by the Chancery Bar Association, on the effect on English law of a UK exit from the European Union (EU). 

27 April 2015
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Moving towards spring

Efforts continue on gender equality, support for the Bar, meaningful reform for the sector and advocating for the rule of law

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