Guy Fetherstonhaugh KC

Guy Fetherstonhaugh KC

Guy took Silk in 2003. He is joint head of Falcon Chambers, an Hon. Member of the RICS, a Fellow of the CIArb and Chair of the Bar Council Education and Training Committee.

Articles by this author


PUPILLAGE SPECIAL: Who supervises the supervisors?

Guy Fetherstonhaugh QC and Simon O’Toole assess the Pupillage Supervisor Network one year on and offer a view on pupillage regulation

The Bar may be forgiven for thinking that our regulators positively enjoy tinkering with the rules for pupillage. 

25 July 2017

BPTC: vote now

Don’t let consultation fatigue saddle generations of future Bar students with more of the status quo: a hugely expensive course with low prospects of acquiring pupillage at the end, argues Guy Fetherstonaugh QC

Consultation fatigue is a particular problem for the Bar, with its substantial cohort of busy and independently minded practitioners. 

20 December 2016

Moving (with) the times

Guy Fetherstonhaugh QC explains why the pupillage application timing has changed and outlines wider efforts to right wrongs of the old system

For as long as I can remember, students applying for a university place in this country have had to go through a centralised scheme (now UCAS). 

24 October 2016

Pupillage: a potted history

As the Bar Standards Board reviews pupillages and prepares to consult on the present Bar training system, Guy Fetherstonhaugh QC looks back at their evolution

In February 2015, the Bar Standards Board (BSB) published Future Bar Training: a programme of review and reform aimed at updating its regulation of training for and at the Bar. 

26 May 2015
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Moving towards spring

Efforts continue on gender equality, support for the Bar, meaningful reform for the sector and advocating for the rule of law

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