James D Zirin

James D Zirin

James is a leading litigator in the US federal and state courts and author of The Mother Court – Tales of Cases That Mattered in America’s Greatest Trial Court (2014) and Supremely Partisan: How Raw Politics Tip the Scales in the US Supreme Court (Rowman & Littlefield, 2016).

Articles by this author


Trump’s dance with the law

US President-Elect Trump may have four Supreme Court vacancies to fill in the next four years – James D Zirin examines the history of the court’s politicisation, some surprising picks and the impact on jurisprudence

When President-elect Donald Trump met with President Obama at the White House in November for an initial get-together, Obama had a few words of advice. ‘Get a strong legal team around you,’ Obama said in substance. 

20 December 2016
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