Jamil Mohammed

Jamil Mohammed

Jamil Mohammed is a junior barrister at 33 Bedford Row, with a multidisciplinary practice. Jamil is the 2021 recipient of the Pegasus Scholarship Award and ambassador for the programme, spending spring of 2022 in Washington DC with the American Bar Association.

Articles by this author


The places I’ve been, the things I’ve seen

See it, feel it, live it: Jamil Mohammed recounts his adventures with the American Bar Association during a Pegasus Scholarship to Washington DC

07 August 2023

Who cares about the Bar?

Being a barrister is a tough, demanding and relentless career. We love the profession and love the ability to help people in their time of need, but who’s helping the helpers? asks Jamil Mohammed

13 March 2023

Nothing but the truth: Imran Mahmood

The barrister and novelist wants us to think more deeply about the conditions that lead people into crime. Here, he talks to Jamil Mohammed about moonlighting, de-stereotyping and the ‘manipulated fate’ that brought him to the Bar

01 July 2022

Find your way, find a mentor

Not only will you learn how to become a better barrister, but you will learn how to become a good mentor too, write Alexandra Wilson and Jamil Mohammed 

08 September 2020
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Moving towards spring

Efforts continue on gender equality, support for the Bar, meaningful reform for the sector and advocating for the rule of law

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