Jo Martin KC

Jo Martin KC

Jo Martin KC, Devon Chambers, Plymouth is a criminal silk who also sits as a Recorder in both Crime and Family. She has filled in a lot of competency forms over the years. Jo is a committee member of the Western Circuit Women’s Forum. She is Western Circuit Leader Elect and takes up her position in September 2022. 

Articles by this author


Your CPS application: making the grade

Jo Martin QC and Berenice Mulvanny explain how to get the grading you deserve in your upcoming CPS Advocate Panel application

01 July 2022

What the Bar can learn from...US jury trials

Only in the movies? ‘Ooohs’ in court, extraordinary jury selection and other eye-popping (if historically familiar) customs

24 November 2019
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Chair’s Column

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Bar Council priorities 2025

The Bar Council faces both opportunities and challenges on our key areas this year

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