Jonathan Barnes

Jonathan Barnes

Jonathan is a barrister at media law set 5RB. He was called in 1999 and before that admitted as a solicitor in 1993. He co-wrote two chapters for Blackstone’s Guide to the Defamation Act 2013, on the requirement of serious harm and publication on a matter of public interest.

Articles by this author


Defamation County Court

Jonathan Barnes examines the High Court’s effective monopoly on hearing defamation cases, and against a background of calls for county courts to get involved too asks, WHY NOT?

On October 2011 the Parliamentary Joint Committee on the then Draft Defamation Bill considered at paragraph 87 of its First Report that the availability of county courts to hear defamation cases, particularly outside London, should increase accessibility for ordinary citizens and would, in many cases, reduce costs as well. The Committee suggested that the Ministry of Justice should implement a pilot scheme to determine how this proposal might work in practice.

10 July 2014
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