Professor Leslie Thomas KC

Professor Leslie Thomas KC

Professor Leslie Thomas KC is is an award-winning human rights/civil liberties barrister and former Joint Head of Garden Court Chambers and head of JC Legal Solutions in the Caribbean. In 2020 Leslie became Professor of Law at Gresham College and visiting Professor of Law at Goldsmiths Law School, University of London. He is a Bencher and advocacy trainer for the Inner Temple. Leslie is a member of the Bar Standards Board for England and Wales, sits on the BSB’s Race Equality Taskforce and is the Chair of the Equality Diversity and Inclusion sub-committee for the Inner Temple.

Articles by this author


The adversarial system of justice – a flawed approach?

Problems with the adversarial system and why we should strive for a more balanced and nuanced approach. By Professor Leslie Thomas KC

08 May 2023

RBB’s 10 next steps for an anti-racist justice system

In 2022, the Racial Bias and the Bench report found evidence of institutional racism in the justice system and fundamental flaws in the Judicial Diversity Strategy. Change is coming and all judges and lawyers can help revitalise the rule of law by implementing RBB’s 10 anti-racist recommendations, say Keir Monteith KC and Professor Leslie Thomas KC

13 February 2023

Do right, fear no one?

Having represented many Davids against many Goliaths over a 30+year career at the publicly funded Bar, renowned silk Professor Leslie Thomas QC critically assesses what the Human Rights Act – currently under challenge – has done for coronial law and equality of arms

01 June 2022

We need to continue to talk about race: one year on

If the Bar is complacent on the issue of race, then we will perpetuate the same racial inequities that continue to pervade our society, writes Professor Leslie Thomas QC

25 May 2021

We need to talk about race: a mid-term report

Microaggressions in court and everyday racism: what white colleagues don’t have to put up with and a 10-step plan for improving diversity and inclusion. By Professor Leslie Thomas QC

26 October 2020
Black Lives Matter protest in Manchester, 7 Jun 2020

Racial diversity at the Bar matters: by Leslie Thomas QC

Let’s talk about race. Forget the guilt and take action. Bias is implicit and often unconscious. It takes great courage to change the system. It benefits us all. By Leslie Thomas QC, Gresham Professor of Law

11 June 2020

What can I do?

With the New Year ahead, it’s a time to reflect on what we want from life – and what we want to give back. What makes a modern and humane Bar? Should it serve those it seeks to represent in a wider sense? Leslie Thomas QC sets out a convincing case

13 December 2018

Is social mobility dead?

What’s your view on social mobility and its vital signs at the Bar? Michael Todd QC, Leslie Thomas QC, Alice de Coverley, Daisy Mortimer, Dr Tunde Okewale MBE, Sharon Laurence and James Keeley assess its state of health

20 March 2018
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Moving towards spring

Efforts continue on gender equality, support for the Bar, meaningful reform for the sector and advocating for the rule of law

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