Liz Woodcraft

Liz Woodcraft

Articles by this author

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Redressing the democratic deficit

A Government consultation led to proposals to downgrade the status of Lewisham Hospital. The people of Lewisham took action and set up an Independent Panel of Inquiry. Michael Mansfield QC and Elizabeth Woodcraft explain the role that barristers played.

In 1945 a remarkable vision was forged. People wanted a fresh start and a continued role in shaping their future. This deeply felt belief was in no way daunted by the paucity of resources nor the exhaustion of war. Intrinsic to this revitalised democracy was a foundation built on universal healthcare, education and access to legal welfare.

31 October 2013
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Chair’s Column

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Moving towards spring

Efforts continue on gender equality, support for the Bar, meaningful reform for the sector and advocating for the rule of law

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