Michael Herz

Michael Herz

Michael has worked in international criminal law since 2009. He currently practises as an associate appeals counsel for the prosecution at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, and has previously spent three years on the defence team of former Liberian president, Charles Taylor, at the Special Court for Sierra Leone. Michael was called to the Bar at Gray’s Inn in 2010.

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Over-promised and under-delivered

From October 2013, with the new code of practice introduced by the Ministry of Justice, victims became entitled to read a statement prior to sentencing explaining the impact of the crime upon them.

The change itself is a small one, but forms part of a broader trend: victims are increasingly viewed as legitimate actors in criminal proceedings, blurring the traditional demarcations of the adversarial system. A counter-trend seems to be at play in the international criminal law arena: in September 2013, the drafters of a blueprint statute for a prospective Syrian tribunal rejected outright the enhanced role for victims that has, since the Rome Statute, been an accepted feature of international criminal proceedings. The problems of victim participation in the essentially adversarial international criminal courts should sound a note of caution for law-makers in England and Wales.


28 March 2014
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