Monisha Shah

Monisha Shah

Monisha Shah is the Chair of the KC Selection Panel. She is also Chair of Wikimedia UK, a board member for the Office of Students and content board member for Ofcom. She is a Trustee of the Art Fund and of Caterham School. She was formerly a lay member of the Committee on Standards in Public Life.


Articles by this author


Applying for silk in 2024

Monisha Shah, Chair of the King’s Counsel Selection Panel, gives an insight into the silk selection process and outlines a new condensed timetable for 2024

12 February 2024

How the Silk Selection Panel approaches its task

Sir Alex Allan and Monisha Shah, the outgoing and incoming Chairs of the QC Selection Panel, offer an insight into the appointment process and, in particular, its approach to diversity issues

01 February 2022
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Chair’s Column

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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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