Nikki Alderson

Nikki Alderson

Nikki Alderson is a former criminal barrister. She is now a specialist coach supporting chambers and law firms to attract, retain and elevate female talent within the legal profession and empowering female lawyers to achieve career ambitions. She is also a keynote speaker, author of Raising the Bar: empowering female lawyers through coaching and tweets as @NikkiAlderson2.

Articles by this author


Is fair opportunity knocking?

Nikki Alderson explores how we can create, develop and maintain equal opportunity for all – for the good of everyone

14 October 2024

Ready for a summer ‘re-set’?

And what benefits do you want to see? Nikki Alderson shares seven strategies to start the ball rolling…

10 July 2023

Leaders in waiting: part 2 – confidence

Nikki Alderson's confidence strategies for career success, including how to develop a positive mindset and overcome rejection

01 July 2022

Leaders in waiting: part 1 – goal setting

It’s rare for junior barristers to formulate much of a career strategy beyond ‘getting tenancy’. In part one of a new series on career progression, Nikki Alderson shares some advice on setting goals – and purposefully reaching them

01 June 2022

Riding the pupillage rollercoaster

Strategies to cope with rejection, manage failure, keep going and maintain a life outside the pupillage application process. By Nikki Alderson

01 September 2021

When wigs become masks

Are high achievers their own worst enemies when it comes to self-doubt? Nikki Alderson offers ten strategies to help you overcome imposter syndrome and achieve your goals

25 February 2021

Bar sustainability: zero tolerance

Inequitable briefing, power play, a culture of fear... age-old problems that can have a devastating impact on retention rates. The Association of Women Barristers sets out six measures to maintain the gender balance and enable staying for silk 

By Lynne Townley and Nikki Alderson

13 March 2020

The imperfections of perfectionism

The pursuit of perfection, knowing when to stop and how to loosen perfectionism’s powerful grip

21 October 2019

How to be a barrister and parent… and succeed at both

The working parent challenge is an issue affecting both men and women at the Bar. Ditch the ‘having it all’ myth, define your own version of success and learn how to live with compromise

19 July 2019

How to say no but keep the opportunities flowing

Learn the art of saying no without burning bridges or stemming the flow of instructions. By Nikki Alderson

24 June 2019
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Moving towards spring

Efforts continue on gender equality, support for the Bar, meaningful reform for the sector and advocating for the rule of law

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