Oliver Sanders KC

Oliver Sanders KC

Oliver Sanders KC practises from 1 Crown Office Row, London and specialises in: public law and human rights; data protection and information rights; inquests and inquiries; and security, intelligence and extremism cases.

Articles by this author

Smart law: interview with Sarah Green

As the nation embraces life online as never before, Oliver Sanders QC talks to Professor Green about her journey from coder to Commissioner for Commercial and Common Law, her ambitious programme of reform, and the implications of emerging tech on both law and society

26 May 2020

Big Brother Watch & Others v The UK

Enormous, complicated and (inevitably) misreported – the ECtHR judgment following the Snowden revelations warrants further scrutiny. By Oliver Sanders QC and Dominic Ruck Keene

28 November 2018
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Moving towards spring

Efforts continue on gender equality, support for the Bar, meaningful reform for the sector and advocating for the rule of law

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