Paul Marshall

Paul Marshall

Practising commercial and company law, Paul is a member of the Chancery Bar Association and an editor of Butterworths Corporate Law Service.

Articles by this author


Buying-in to unreality, expediency and morality

Paul Marshall asks how safe is the common law from the judiciary

29 June 2015
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Conflict, Clausewitz & the Court of Appeal

Of politics, schoolmasters and judges: Paul Marshall reflects upon the recent Court of Appeal decision in Denton v T H White and the fallout from the decision in Mitchell v News Group.

If one settling a pillow by her head, Should say, “That is not what I meant at all That is not it, at all”

T S Eliot, Prufrock

29 September 2014

Of The Murder Of Cabin Boys

Paul Marshall on Andrew Mitchell MP v News Group Newspapers Ltd and the stripping of judicial discretion.

 “‘Sit down!’ roars the captain. “Ye sot and swine, do ye know what ye’ve done? Ye’ve murdered the boy!’

 Mr Shuan seemed to understand; for he sat down again and put his hand to his brow.

 ‘Well,’ he said, ‘he brought me a dirty pannikin’

 At that word, the captain and I and Mr Riach all looked at each other for a second with a kind of frightened look….”

14 March 2014
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Book Reviews - Versions of Truth

Paul Marshall reflects on a recent conversation between Channel 4’s Jon Snow and law reporter turned novelist, Elenor Dymott.

Easter is not a bad time to recall the question Pontius Pilate is reported as having asked: ‘’what is truth?”. Jesting Pilate would not stay for an answer, says Francis Bacon. It is not clear whether Pilate’s reluctance to enter into further debate on the question was attributable more to judicial impatience or intellectual humility. The narrower issue of truth as to disputed fact, that the trial process is believed to facilitate, may not be straightforward. Lord Justice Browne commented:

30 April 2012
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Time for change and investment

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