Rhiannon Du Cann

Rhiannon Du Cann

Rhiannon Du Cann is a Communications Officer at the Bar Council where she helps develop media and communication strategies, communicating to and on behalf of barristers. She previously worked as a reporter.

Articles by this author

The economic case for free legal advice

For every £1 spent on free specialist legal advice, there’s an estimated saving to the public purse of £2.71. Rhiannon Du Cann reports on research showing the positive domino effect of funding the free legal advice sector 

07 November 2024

A week at the Bar for Afghan refugee lawyers

‘We as barristers can show our solidarity and help our colleagues’: Rhiannon Du Cann asks Laurie Scher and Edward Meuli how they found hosting two refugee Afghan colleagues and Mohammad Alef Orfani, former defence attorney and prosecutor in Afghanistan, shares what he thought of the experience

20 February 2024
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Moving towards spring

Efforts continue on gender equality, support for the Bar, meaningful reform for the sector and advocating for the rule of law

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