Siân Beaven

Siân Beaven

Siân Beaven is a junior barrister at Pump Court Chambers specialising in crime, professional discipline and prison law. She was called to the Bar in 2016 and practises in London and the Western Circuit.

Articles by this author


Broadening horizons

Ready for more stability or a new challenge? Barrister consultant Kevin Harris and barrister secondee Siân Beaven on the benefits of new work streams

10 April 2023

DPAs for the masses: the rehabilitative approach

Politicians 'getting tough on crime' should note two pioneering, results-based, rehabilitative schemes in Durham and Hertfordshire which are slashing reoffending rates, write Tori Adams and Siân Beaven

01 September 2021

Fit your own mask first: living life at the criminal Bar

We defend fearlessly our clients’ best interests and fight for the underdog every day in court, but neglect to apply that same attitude to ourselves. What is needed to improve the lives of those who seek to stand up for justice and assure the future of the profession?

By Siân Beaven

30 November 2020
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Chair’s Column

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Moving towards spring

Efforts continue on gender equality, support for the Bar, meaningful reform for the sector and advocating for the rule of law

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