The Secret Barrister

The Secret Barrister

Best-selling author of The Secret Barrister: Stories of the Law and How It’s Broken (Picador: 2018) and Fake Law: the Truth About Justice in an Age of Lies (Picador: 2020) and Independent Blogger of the Year (2017 and 2016 Comment Awards), the Secret Barrister is a junior barrister specialising in criminal law and blogs at thesecretbarrister.com. Nothing But The Truth: Stories of Crime, Guilt and the Loss of Innocence by the Secret Barrister was published by Picador on 12 May 2022.

Articles by this author


#MeToo & due process

#MeToo has been a powerful force for good but in the court of social media, ‘I don’t know’ could be the fairest verdict of all, writes The Secret Barrister

An old stand-up routine – I forget whose – used to poke fun at those old-style newspaper polls where members of the public were invited to phone a premium rate number and express their view on a contentious issue of the day.

19 December 2017

Will justice win or lose?

The Secret Barrister has to dig deep to find the few scraps marked ‘justice’ but unearths four things we can learn from the parties’ pledges

General election manifesto launches often cast the criminal justice system in the role of the naughty child of Christmas lore. 

30 May 2017
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Moving towards spring

Efforts continue on gender equality, support for the Bar, meaningful reform for the sector and advocating for the rule of law

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