
Welsh Government

  • Sector:


  • Published:

    1191 days ago

  • Expiry date:

    11 January 2022

Expressions of interest sought from junior Counsel

Expressions of interest sought from junior Counsel with experience of organising and orchestrating eDisclosure exercises in the context of public inquiries.

In May, the Prime Minister announced the intention to launch a UK-wide public inquiry into the response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Disclosure is part of the public inquiry process and includes electronic or eDisclosure. This is the process of identifying, acquiring and processing sometimes vast quantities of electronically stored information for review, analysis, production and ultimately presentation.

The Welsh Government is seeking expressions of interest from junior Counsel with significant experience of organising and orchestrating eDisclosure exercises for institutional organisations acting as core participants in public inquiries. Counsel must be able to work with considerable autonomy, lead an eDisclosure exercise and become an important part of a team. Expressions of interest should include a CV that records Counsel’s public inquiry, core participant and eDisclosure experience. Expressions of interest should be submitted to the Welsh Government (email address: LegalServices-CentralAdminTeamRequests@gov. wales) by 10 January 2022.

The expressions of interest will be considered by a Welsh Government legal team and meetings will be arranged to discuss potential roles with shortlisted candidates. Selection will be made with a view to engaging junior Counsel to support the Welsh Government’s positive engagement with the UK-wide public inquiry into the response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Counsel will be selected on the basis of merit regardless of race or ethnic origin, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, political affiliation, religion, age or disability. Those who have protected characteristics as defined in the Equality Act 2010 are particularly encouraged to express their interest.


Expressions of interest may be submitted by barristers and solicitors with the appropriate experience. Barristers must have a tenancy and solicitors must have a higher court advocacy qualification.


Ceisir datganiadau o ddiddordeb oddi wrth Gwnsleriaid iau sydd â phrofiad o drefnu a chydlynu ymarferion e-Ddatgelu yng nghyd-destun ymchwiliadau cyhoeddus.

Ym mis Mai, cyhoeddodd Prif Weinidog y DU y bwriad i lansio ymchwiliad cyhoeddus ar gyfer y DU gyfan i’r ymateb i bandemig y coronafeirws.

Mae datgelu’n rhan o broses ymchwiliadau cyhoeddus ac mae’n cynnwys datgelu electronig neu e-Ddatgelu. Dyma’r broses o adnabod, caffael a phrosesu symiau, sydd weithiau’n enfawr, o wybodaeth a gedwir yn electronig ar gyfer ei hadolygu, ei dadansoddi, ei chynhyrchu, a’i chyflwyno yn y pen draw.

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ceisio datganiadau o ddiddordeb oddi wrth Gwnsleriaid iau sydd â phrofiad sylweddol o drefnu a chydlynu ymarferion e-Ddatgelu ar gyfer sefydliadau sy’n gyfranogwyr craidd mewn ymchwiliadau cyhoeddus. Rhaid i’r Cwnsler allu gweithio gyda chryn dipyn o hunanreolaeth, arwain ymarferiad e-Ddatgelu a dod yn rhan bwysig o’r tîm. Dylai datganiadau o ddiddordeb gynnwys CV sy’n cofnodi profiad y Cwnsler o ran ymchwiliadau cyhoeddus, cyfranogwyr craidd ac e-Ddatgelu. Dylid cyflwyno datganiadau o ddiddordeb i Lywodraeth Cymru (cyfeiriad e-bost: LegalServices-CentralAdminTeamRequests@gov. wales) erbyn 10 Ionawr 2022.

Bydd y datganiadau o ddiddordeb yn cael eu hystyried gan dîm cyfreithiol yn Llywodraeth Cymru a threfnir cyfarfodydd â’r ymgeiswyr a fydd ar y rhestr fer i drafod rolau posibl. Byddwn yn dewis gyda’r bwriad o gymryd Cwnsler iau ymlaen i gefnogi ymgysylltiad cadarnhaol Llywodraeth Cymru ag ymchwiliad cyhoeddus y DU gyfan i’r ymateb i bandemig y coronafeirws.

Bydd y Cwnsler yn cael ei ddewis ar sail teilyngdod heb ystyried hil na tharddiad ethnig, rhywedd, statws priodasol, cyfeiriadedd rhywiol, ymlyniad gwleidyddol, crefydd, oedran nac anabledd. Anogir yn arbennig rai sydd â nodweddion gwarchodedig yn unol â diffiniad Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 i fynegi eu diddordeb.


Caiff bargyfreithwyr a chyfreithwyr sydd â’r profiad angenrheidiol gyflwyno datganiadau o ddiddordeb. Rhaid i fargyfreithwyr feddu ar denantiaeth a rhaid i gyfreithwyr feddu ar gymhwyster eiriolaeth llys uwch.

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