21 years of the Bar Council’s Brussels Office

A personal reflection by Evanna Fruithof, the Bar’s eyes, ears and mouthpiece in Brussels

24 September 2020 / Evanna Fruithof

Bar to Bench: moving on up

Unvarnished advice from four recent and atypical judicial appointees: HHJ Madeleine Reardon, HHJ Fayyaz Afzal OBE, Tribunal Judge Michelle Brewer and Mrs Justice Eady talk to Rehna Azim about why they took the plunge, retention and diversity challenges at Bar and Bench, and what they thought of the application experience 

24 September 2020 / Rehna Azim

Opinion: The algorithm of injustice

Beyond the intrusiveness of automated facial recognition is concern about ‘false positives’ and potential for racial bias in the technology 

By Sailesh Mehta and Shahid Khan 

21 September 2020 / Sailesh Mehta / Shahid Khan

Lawyers in film: Inherit the Wind (1960)

We can learn a lot about the profession from lawyers in film and it can engender in students a love of the law: a new series of cinema critiques by David Langwallner  

07 September 2020 / David Langwallner

COIC 2021-23 pupillage matched funding

Now open - COIC welcomes applications for matched funding for 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 pupillages  

06 September 2020 / Mrs Justice Lieven
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The truth about our human rights laws, by the Secret Barrister

Few cases raise more hackles than foreign nationals breaching our criminal law, only for the govern­ment’s attempts at deporting them to be frustrated.  

An extract from Fake Law: The Truth About Justice in an Age of Lies  by the Secret Barrister 

03 September 2020 / The Secret Barrister

Breaking moulds

Speak up and speak out, or we simply pay lip service to equality: a personal account of being ‘othered’ at the Bar and why together we are stronger. By Sunyana Sharma 

02 September 2020 / Sunyana Sharma

Diversity at the Bar: where do we go from here?

Just when we could see progress in diversity finally finding traction, the loss of so many colleagues threatens to set us back years, if not decades – Jo Sidhu QC  and Elaine Banton   share some positive ideas to support and build diversity

02 September 2020 / Jo Sidhu KC / Elaine Banton

Prosecution strategies in AR cases (2)

A two-part series from Laura Hoyano  and John Riley  modelling investigation and prosecution strategies in cases of abusive relationship offending: part two of this worked case example looks at the issues arising at trial

02 September 2020 / Laura Hoyano / John Riley

Style counsel

How men dress – as we return to business wear, David Hughes draws style tips for the Bar from James Bond and other jurisdictions 

02 September 2020 / David Hughes
virtual magazine View virtual issue

Chair’s Column

Heading into summer

Chair of the Bar Sam Townend KC encourages colleagues to take a proper break over summer and highlights recent events and key activities for autumn

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