Bar Students


Who gets pupillage?

The Bar Council crunches the data to tell the real story of who gets pupillage... and when 

01 September 2023 / The Bar Council

Why being a barrister is the best job in the world (or what you need to know going in)

Newly minted Bar graduates compete at a ratio of 300:1 for a golden ticket to Wonka’s Criminal Justice Factory. The Secret Barrister explains why…

01 September 2021 / The Secret Barrister

The Bar qualification rules

The Bar Standards Board on what you need to know about training to become a barrister in England and Wales

01 September 2021 / Bar Standards Board

Choosing a Bar course

Laurence Cooper explores the high-stakes world of choosing a Bar training course provider

01 September 2021 / Laurence Cooper

The finance factor

How to fund training is often a student’s biggest concern. Here, Rose Malleson takes a look at the types of scholarship and financing options available

01 September 2021 / Rose Malleson

Mentoring matters

Rosalind Phelps KC on the value of mentoring and a scheme for students from groups currently underrepresented at the Commercial Bar

01 September 2021 / Rosalind Phelps KC

The BTB mini-pupillage scheme

After a successful pilot in 2020, Bridging the Bar’s mini-pupillage scheme formally launches in September. Mass Ndow-Njie outlines what applicants can expect

01 September 2021 / Mass Ndow-Njie

Nailing your pupillage applications

Pupil supervisor Sahar Farooqi shares ten simple and pragmatic tips that might just change how you approach your applications

01 September 2021 / Sahar Farooqi

Doing yourself justice

How to be your own advocate and make a good first impression at the written application stage? Here are five key pieces of advice from members of the Bar Council’s Young Barristers’ Committee


The pupillage interview: top tips

Ready for the hot seat? Adam Smith-Roberts boils down all the interview advice out there into eight points of wisdom

01 September 2021 / Adam Smith-Roberts
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Chair’s Column

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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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