Law in Practice


Reaching the point of no [search] return

Google fail? Heather Rogers QC puts the legal record straight on the first two ‘right to be forgotten’ cases – tried under the twilight data protection regime but with issues far from resolved  

29 June 2018 / Heather Rogers KC

The military drone: regulating the 21st century hunter-killer

As armed drone strikes blur the boundaries of the battlefield, Jo Morris and Libby Anderson look at the ethical and legal issues raised and the law of armed conflict  

05 June 2018 / Jo Morris / Libby Anderson
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Video hearings: conveyor-belt justice or a revolution in access?

Penelope Gibbs briefs readers on Transform Justice’s video hearings research and calls for a clearer evidence base before virtual justice is extended any further  

04 June 2018 / Penelope Gibbs

The deterrent effect

Knife culture is so engrained in some communities that only more severe punishment will actually see it ‘stamped out’, argues Jesse Cook  

01 June 2018 / Jesse Cook

No knives, better lives

How is Scotland reducing knife deaths so effectively? A case study by Emily Beever outlines its youth work/public health approach to the problem  

01 June 2018 / Emily Beever

Beyond Windrush

The Windrush scandal has put the spotlight on the byzantine and troubled state of British immigration law, policy and practice, writes Dr Anna Lindley  

01 June 2018 / Dr Anna Lindley

Firearms and fury: The rise of gun crime in the UK

The case of the antique firearms dealer who exploited legal loopholes reveals that gun control in the UK is not nearly as tight as we may think. By Rupert Jones  

01 June 2018 / Rupert Jones / Rupert Jones

A moral panic?

Surveying the knife crime debate, Sam Parham and Katharine Dyson argue that rehabilitation should be prioritised over deterrence and root causes really addressed  

01 June 2018 / Katharine Dyson / Sam Parham

Domestic jurisdiction and crime of aggression

What status do ‘crimes of aggression’ have in English law? A personal opinion by Zia Akhtar who examines the recent judicial review in the context of recent air strikes on Syria  

01 June 2018 / Zia Akhtar

LGBTI rights in British overseas territories

The reversal of the same-sex marriage law in Bermuda is unconstitutional, argues Dr Leonardo Raznovich. Is the UK fulfilling its role in protecting LGBTI rights in British overseas terrorities?  

01 June 2018 / Dr Leonardo Raznovich
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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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