Law in Practice

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READ AGAIN: Diversity and inclusion: beyond the tick boxes (Counsel March 2020)

Time to rethink the Bar’s approach to diversity and inclusion? To ensure that difference makes  a difference, we must get to the root of the problem and commit to structural change – Zeenat Islam  shares her thoughts

14 February 2020 / Zeenat Islam

Young victims of trafficking—prosecution or protection?

The growth in ‘county lines’ cases involving young defendants, themselves victims of trafficking, poses particular issues: practical steps that may assist practitioners and recent case law principles

18 December 2019 / James Tilbury

Let's talk about: When burn out bites

Building your personal resilience is possibly the best career move you’ll ever make – recognise burn-out and try these strategies for repair 

18 December 2019 / Angela Armstrong
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How to dress the court—and yourself

A rough guide for pupils on the more informal rules and idiosyncratic mannerisms of the Bar: the legal Twitter hive mind sifts the daft and defunct from the customs that really matter, distilled by Lucy Reed  

18 December 2019 / Lucy Reed KC

Let's talk about: Racism & the Bar

Comfortable talking about race? How does racism show up in chambers? Raggi Kotak shares her views, hopes and suggestions for change 

18 December 2019 / Raggi Kotak

What to do when your solicitor has not paid

Unpaid fees? Give some thought to your contractual status and when to use the ‘nuclear option’, writes Adrian Vincent 

18 December 2019 / Adrian Vincent
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OPINION: Cayman Islands – threat to the rule of law

Intimidation by legislators and failures of the judiciary threaten the rule of law, writes Dr Leonardo J Raznovich 

09 December 2019 / Dr Leonardo Raznovich

OPINION Brexit: we live in interesting times

The best of times, the worst of times, writes David Langwallner    

05 December 2019 / David Langwallner

Disclosure pilot for the Business & Property Courts

A cut out & keep guide to Practice Direction 51U and overview of the changes to disclosure procedures in the Business and Property Courts

24 November 2019 / John O'Hare

What the Bar can learn from...US jury trials

Only in the movies? ‘Ooohs’ in court, extraordinary jury selection and other eye-popping (if historically familiar) customs

24 November 2019 / Jo Martin KC
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Chair’s Column

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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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