Legal Personality


Standing up for justice Sir Robert Neill KC (Hon) MP

‘The ethical code of the Bar is one of our great strengths. We need more of it in politics,’ says Sir Robert Neill KC (Hon) MP. As the influential Chair of the Commons Justice Select Committee prepares to stand down, he talks to Anthony Inglese CB about his barrister roots and key wins in Parliament 

15 April 2024 / Anthony Inglese CB

Driving change

Equality of opportunity needs to start much earlier – at primary school. Jessica Powers’ lessons learnt driving diversity and inclusion in barrister recruitment and retention 

15 April 2024 / Jessica Powers

Rise of a RASSO counsel

If we fail to nurture women’s collective talent at the Criminal Bar, half the population of this country will not be properly represented. We cannot let all the hard work be undone, says Tana Adkin KC 

15 April 2024 / Tana Adkin KC

Silks Day 2024

On 18 March 2024, the official ceremony took place at Westminster Hall where the successful applicants in the 2023 competition were formally sworn in as King’s Counsel. Here’s a flavour of the special day and congratulations to all

15 April 2024

Lessons learnt: Breaking through traditions – and creating new ones

From Africa to the Bar of England and Wales, and expertly navigating its challenges. Head of chambers Ayesha Hasan shares her lessons learnt 

11 March 2024 / Ayesha Hasan

On keeping the spark: Kirsty Brimelow KC

Lighting fires that cast unfairness into the shadows, creating history at home and abroad, and being comfortable with who you are – the remarkable criminal and international human rights barrister Kirsty Brimelow KC

08 March 2024 / Kirsty Brimelow KC

IWD24: Rise of a RASSO counsel

If we fail to nurture women’s collective talent, half the population of this country will not be properly represented – from the junior Criminal Bar right up to the senior Judiciary. We cannot let all the hard work be undone, says Tana Adkin KC on International Women's Day 

08 March 2024 / Tana Adkin KC

IWD24: Women at the helm – Hannah Markham KC and Mary Prior KC

Marking International Women's Day, Will Tyler KC interviews two female silks at the helm of two huge specialist Bar associations about their lives and careers – finding a common theme both to their success and the challenges facing their respective Bars

08 March 2024 / Will Tyler KC

In the thick of it: Caroline Croft

GLD barrister Caroline Croft, one of the largest legal heads in the country, tells Anthony Inglese what drew her to public law and politics 

19 February 2024 / Anthony Inglese CB

Chair of the Bar 2024: Sam Townend KC

With the justice system still stretched to the limit, what are Sam Townend KC’s strategies and priorities for the Bar? Joshua Rozenberg KC (hon) finds out 

15 January 2024 / Joshua Rozenberg KC (hon)
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Chair’s Column

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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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