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Letters: Crime Writers

Dear Editor 

Can I thank Sunil Tailor for the very interesting article on fictional barrister sleuths which appeared in the August issue of Counsel (“The Crime Writers” pp 24-26). I’m sure it will have encouraged readers to search Amazon to supplement their holiday reading. 

31 August 2009
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A Sussex Summer

Martin Bowley QC reviews the 2009 season 

31 July 2009
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Treading the Boards

“Getting on Board”, a charity who places professionals on the governance board of local organisations, has seen a surge in applicants from the Bar. Paul Rand explains what new trustee volunteers can expect 

31 July 2009
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The Crime Writers

The Crime Writers 

The skills a barrister acquires and the atmospheric backdrop of the Inns of Court have been fully utilised by barristers writing legal-detective fiction, finds Sunil Tailor 

31 July 2009
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Join the Club

Catherine Baksi looks at the social and sporting activities provided by the Bar and the Inns of Court.  

All work and no play makes Jack or Jill a dull boy or girl. And that aphorism seems to be taken to heart by many at the Bar – for as well as working hard, barristers play hard too. The Bar and the four Inns of Court have a number of active sporting and social clubs, which not only help members relax, but help foster collegiality among the profession. Here is some, though not an exhaustive selection of what is on offer. 

30 June 2009
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Lawyers at the Crease

James Cartwright looks forward to the Lawyers’ Cricket World Cup 

31 May 2009
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Lincoln’s Inn Portraiture

Pat Hardy finds a continuum of history and a portrait collection of priceless artistic heritage at Lincoln’s Inn 

28 February 2009
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2008 Temple Festival

Martin Bowley shares his highlights of the Temple Festival 

28 February 2009
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Recognition & Retention

Flexible working—hardly revolutionary, but underused at the Bar—is the answer to female retention. But it must be adequately rewarded, writes Melissa Coutino.  

31 January 2009 / Melissa Coutinho
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Masters of the Revels

Martin Bowley QC separates fact from fiction and marks the 40th anniversary of the abolition of theatre censorship 

31 December 2008
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Chair’s Column

Heading into summer

Chair of the Bar Sam Townend KC encourages colleagues to take a proper break over summer and highlights recent events and key activities for autumn

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