Negligence – Breach of duty. The Queen's Bench Division held, in dismissing the claimant's claim in negligence, that there had been no breach of duty on the part of the second respondent hospital in respect of the claimant, who had suffered a severe brain injury as a consequence of being exposed to a short period of acute and profound cerebral hypoxia ischemia shortly before his birth. It held that a period of approximately eleven minutes between the mother's arrival by ambulance at the hospital, and the mother being seen by a doctor, had been both reasonable and in accordance with standard practice in an obstetric unit. The court further held that, whilst the management by the first defendant's ambulance crew had fallen below the standards to be expected of a reasonably competent ambulance service, the claimant had not established that there had been undue or unnecessary delay in taking the mother from the grandmother's house to the hospital.