Practice Management

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Lindsay Scott

Name: Lindsay Scott
Position: Chief Executive
Chambers: Matrix Chambers 

30 June 2009
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Gavin Millar QC

Name: Gavin Millar QC
Position: Joint Deputy Head of Chambers; Media Law and Employment silk
Chambers: Doughty Street Chambers 

31 May 2009
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How to Thrive in the digital age (1)

Don’t get left behind in the new age of online marketing, writes HD Lodge 

30 April 2009
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Part 2 looks at practical ways to work online

The Bar Council has produced general guidance on Internet issues. In brief, chambers’ and individual barristers’ websites should explain: (i) legal status of chambers; (ii) fact that services covered are provided by members of chambers as individuals; (iii) if any page accessed through the web includes any articles, case notes or other legal information, as opposed to merely business information such as is found in legal services directories, then it should include a disclaimer.   

Linked websites—if websites are accessed through a link (eg from a solicitors’ website) care should be taken to ensure that liability to that site visitor is not created. Be aware of referral/introduction fee implications. The e-commerce regulations and the Data Protection Act 1998 also apply. 

30 April 2009
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Small is Beautiful

No mega-set devotee, Andrew Mitchell QC argues that compact is probably the best chambers’ format in the world.  

Bespoke. Tailored. Fitted. Snug. A proper fit is much admired. Big and baggy? Large and flabby? Not so much. As with life in general, so I think, with life at the Bar. Whilst ever larger sets of chambers appear to some observers to be in vogue, for my part I think the case for the compact is stronger and more conducive to the real referral profession that we should remain. 

31 March 2009
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Advisory Panel: recruiting 2009 membership

Panel membership will entail being part of a network of individuals (10 approx) with the relevant experience who will share views, perspectives and ideas relating to changing working practices at the Bar, post Legal Services Act. Commitment will be through occasional meetings (likely to be no more than 1 per month in 2009) and contributing to email/forum discussions/emails on issues derived from policy development in this area. Membership will not be remunerated, although there may also be opportunities to undertake discrete project work for which a daily rate (commensurate with seniority and experience) will be payable. 

If you are interested and would like to discuss this opportunity, in the first instance please write to Simon Garrod (020 7611 1414), Head of Professional Practice at the Bar Standards Board by 13 February 2008: Bar Standards Board, 289-293 High Holborn, London, WC1V 7HZ. DX: 240 LDE 

31 January 2009
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Standard Rate VAT Reduction

From 1 December 2008 the standard rate of VAT will be reduced from 17.5% to 15%. This guide sets out key points of law which barristers and their clerks will need to be aware of in order to implement the change. It also responds to typical questions which the Bar Council has been asked, in order to show how the change will impact upon the administration of a barrister’s practice. Finally, the impact of the change on computer software, which is used to produce invoices and/or fee notes within chambers, is considered. 

31 December 2008
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Legal disciplinary practices and barrister partnerships

The BSB, as mentioned in the December edition of BSB News, has issued a consultation paper and proposed amendments to the Code in respect of barrister involvement in SRA regulated bodies. 

The consultation paper also sets out provisional views on whether barrister-only partnerships should be permitted and if so whether the cab-rank rule should apply to those barristers within the partnership. Please refer to our website under Standards and Guidance, Legal Services Act 2007, where we have details about the Act, answers to frequently asked questions and a
link to our consultation documents. 

If you have any queries, please email: 

31 December 2008
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Tax evaders

Revenue and Customs disclosed that 57 barristers were caught evading tax, in a report by the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee. 

31 December 2008
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Referral Repercussions

The Bar’s future as a referral profession has been secured, but consider the impact if the nature of those who refer work changes, warns Stephen Mayson.  

The Bar Council was rightly proud of its response and effective lobbying as the Legal Services Bill made its passage through Parliament. As a result, the Bar seems to emerge relatively unscathed now that the Legal Services Act 2007 (LSA 2007) is with us. Indeed, the Perceptions of Barristers survey commissioned by the Bar Standards Board of the Bar’s “stakeholders” found a high level of satisfaction, with barristers seen as competent, highly qualified and dedicated, and whose advocacy skills set them apart (see Counsel, January 2008, p 4 and March 2008, p 24). 

30 June 2008
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