Book review: Fake Law - The Truth About Justice in an Age of Lies

By The Secret Barrister 

Published by Picador (Hardcover: September 2020) 

ISBN 978-1529009941 

Reviewed by John Cooper QC  

07 October 2020 / John Cooper KC

The forgotten victims of domestic abuse

At least 57% of women in prison and under community supervision are victims of domestic abuse. Paramjit Ahluwalia  briefs readers on the proposed amendments to the Domestic Abuse Bill extending protection for those compelled to offend

07 October 2020 / Paramjit Ahluwalia

Refugee Channel crossings: the legal position

Crossing the busiest shipping lane in the world in a small dinghy may or may not be ‘bad and stupid and dangerous’, but is it really criminal? An analysis of the legal position, by Colin Yeo  

07 October 2020 / Colin Yeo

The UK Internal Market bill: Brexit lightning rod or storm in a teacup?

The government’s plan to break international law was a shock to lawyers and international partners alike – but it will not stop the UK and the EU doing a deal, writes Raphael Hogarth  

05 October 2020 / Raphael Hogarth

Let's talk about: Menopause at the Bar

Tackling the menopause as part of chambers’ strategy to better retain women - Louise Corfield  identifies what the Bar can do to support its members through the menopause and how it might be impacting applications for senior positions

02 October 2020 / Louise Corfield

Women at the Bar in 2020

Women are still leaving the Bar. So what are we doing about it? Professor Jo Delahunty QC takes a memory trip through recent times to assess whether times are changing, or it’s still a case of sticky floor and glass ceiling... 

28 September 2020 / Professor Jo Delahunty KC

Consider the carers: the impact of COVID-19

COVID-19 working practices threaten further significant and disproportionate attrition of women from the Bar. Rachael Goodall  sets out the Western Circuit Women’s Forum’s call to action and proposals to mitigate the risk 

28 September 2020 / Rachael Goodall

Lawyers in film: Paths of Glory (1957)

A sobering insight into past legal and social cultures where the rule of law is jettisoned. By David Langwallner 

28 September 2020 / David Langwallner

Obituary: Sir Gavin Lightman

Outspoken and unafraid

28 September 2020 / Khawar Qureshi KC

18 years and still no justice to be found in Guantanamo

BHRC’s visit to Guantanamo Bay for the trial of the alleged planners of 9/11: a salutary lesson about nations who support the rule of law jettisoning principles in times of crisis, writes Jacob Bindman  

28 September 2020 / Jacob Bindman
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