Legal Personality


Bar journey: from quad to quad to quad

But not the usual quadrangle – a rounded route to the Bar, insights gained, and finding improv as a creative outlet outside the intense world of law. By Joel Semakula  

18 June 2020 / Joel Semakula
© Stanislaw Kujawa

Righting wrongs: interview with Martin Forde QC

One year on from the launch of the Windrush compensation scheme, the silk who oversaw its design talks to Natasha Shotunde  about the scandal, British attitudes to migration and citizenship, and misconceptions holding applicants back from rightful compensation

12 June 2020 / Natasha Shotunde

Smart law: interview with Sarah Green

As the nation embraces life online as never before, Oliver Sanders QC  talks to Professor Green about her journey from coder to Commissioner for Commercial and Common Law, her ambitious programme of reform, and the implications of emerging tech on both law and society

26 May 2020 / Oliver Sanders KC

Only connect: Elizabeth Prochaska

The newly appointed Chair of the Public Law Project on isolation, teamwork and why institutions are invaluable in effecting systemic legal change. Interview by Isabel Buchanan  

16 April 2020 / Isabel Buchanan

A barrister’s view from splendid self-isolation

Lucy Reed shares a page from the self-isolation diary, the early days: adapting to a completely new working environment and coping with the unexpected presence of the kids at home 

16 April 2020 / Lucy Reed KC

Hashi Mohamed: People like us – at the Bar

The planning law barrister, best-selling author, broadcaster and former child refugee on the vexed questions: What does it take to make it to the Bar? What does changing the way you speak say about your character? Is meritocracy a myth that hurts the most disadvantaged?  

By Hashi Mohamed  

13 March 2020 / Hashi Mohamed

Lord Sales: Reflections on legal life

The Supreme Court Justice on his path to law, the ‘wonderful but relentless’ years as Treasury Devil, inner workings of court and weathering storms in the public eye 

Interview by Anthony Inglese CB  

13 March 2020 / Anthony Inglese CB

Day in the life: at the helm of the Northern Circuit

Almost 50 years after being led by the great Rose Heilbron, the Northern Circuit has its second female Leader, the indefatigable Lisa Roberts QC  describes a formidable life in the day running Circuit

13 March 2020 / Lisa Roberts KC
© Marco Secchi / Alamy Stock Photo

QC pen portraits 2018/19

Six silks share application insights to inspire those eyeing up a future competition. Interviews by Peter Purvis 

13 March 2020 / Peter Purvis

Shining light: Helena Kennedy QC

How bad is Brexit for women? Just how inclusive does feminism have to be? What’s the greatest myth about female barristers? The forthright peer, social reformer and Bar luminary talks to Alice de Coverley   

26 February 2019 / Alice de Coverley
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Chair’s Column

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New year, new beginnings

Barbara Mills KC, the new Chair of the Bar, outlines some key themes and priorities

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