

Professionally Embarrassing

Malvika Jaganmohan and Madeleine Whelan's family law podcast doesn’t shy away from the difficult topics... 


Modernising the Family Court on domestic abuse

For the first time in 20 years the Court of Appeal reviewed the Family Court’s failure to address the impact of rape, domestic abuse and coercive control on victims’ and children’s lives, writes Charlotte Proudman

31 May 2021 / Dr Charlotte Proudman

Vulnerable parties: two cheers for UK judges?

Welcome and profound amendments to the CPR’s Overriding Objective landed in April: but why so little fanfare or consultation with groups affected? asks John Horan 

11 May 2021 / John Horan

'Kill the Bill'

Dissent and protest are a healthy safety valve for every democracy, write Sailesh Mehta and Caroline Baker, yet recent events have put the proposals around policing public protest under the spotlight – and many do not like what they see 

08 April 2021 / Sailesh Mehta / Caroline Baker

Where now for the legal aid Bar?

Barristers gave stark evidence on the sustainability of the publicly funded Bar to the Westminster Commission on Legal Aid, reports Rohini Teather 

01 April 2021 / Rohini Teather

The cab rank rule and ethical choices

The cab rank rule, its jurisprudential foundations, and international law. By Timothy Dutton CBE QC, Baroness Ruth Deech QC (Hon), Chantal-Aimée Doerries QC and Roy Amlot QC  


Future of the HRA in British courts

Is the Independent Human Rights Act Review asking the right questions? Timothy Kiely takes a look at its scope, context and potential impact 

19 February 2021 / Timothy Kiely

Opinion: Judge-alone trials can deliver justice – but only if defendants choose them

Judge-alone trials should not be immediately discarded as inevitably inimical to the interests of justice and have been operating uncontroversially in Canada as an expansion of defence rights for many decades, writes Laura Hoyano 

05 May 2020 / Laura Hoyano
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Chair’s Column

Heading into summer

Chair of the Bar Sam Townend KC encourages colleagues to take a proper break over summer and highlights recent events and key activities for autumn

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