Practice Toolset

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BDABar’s two-way mentorship scheme

In July 2022, BDABar launched its Two-Way Mentorship Scheme. Konstantina Nouka explains more...

16 September 2022 / Konstantina Nouka

Chambers mergers: marriages made in heaven

Bill Conner explains how to find the right ‘suitor set’ and seamlessly (and successfully) join forces

16 September 2022 / Bill Conner

The Secret Barrister’s pupillage tales

A warts-and-all look back at SB’s pupillage: an extract from Nothing But The Truth 

16 September 2022 / The Secret Barrister

Pupillage: what will elevate yours?

From the list of chambers nominated as the ‘best places for pupillage’ in a Legal Cheek survey, Counsel  selected a few sets at random to ask what makes the difference


The Bar Council Pupils’ Helpline

Rose Malleson on the Bar Council Pupils’ Helpline providing help and guidance with any problems you may have as a pupil – please don't suffer in silence

16 September 2022 / Rose Malleson

Pupillage at the employed Bar: a growing phenomenon

Many senior employed barristers work in large legal departments where there is scope to recruit, train and absorb pupils, and more are starting to offer pupillage. Could this be a high-quality solution to the shortage of training opportunities for would-be barristers? Anthony Inglese CB investigates...

16 September 2022 / Anthony Inglese CB
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COIC Pupillage Matched Funding Scheme 2023-2025

The COIC welcomes applications for matched funding for 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 pupillages, writes Mrs Justice Lieven, and Chris Aspinall and Amy Edinborough share their experience of the scheme

16 September 2022 / Mrs Justice Lieven

Do you know what your clients really think about you?

Keith Hardie on why chambers adopting a robust approach to client listening are likely to steal a march on those who do not

15 August 2022 / Keith Hardie

Winning trust and making change happen

Chambers are full of people with strong personalities and opinions: Sally Sanderson offers a checklist for perfecting your leadership style and introducing change (including planning for resistance)

15 August 2022 / Sally Sanderson

Your guide to the information security questionnaire

The questionnaire has landed. Sam Thomas walks barristers through the ten areas covered by the questionnaire; this is your opportunity to assess your cybersecurity and provide reassurance to clients

08 August 2022 / Sam Thomas
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Chair’s Column

Heading into summer

Chair of the Bar Sam Townend KC encourages colleagues to take a proper break over summer and highlights recent events and key activities for autumn

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