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O’Brien update (1) – By His Honour John Platt

Calling all part time fee paid judges, you have nothing to lose but money lawfully due to you.  

In January 2013 the Supreme Court decided that the MoJ had broken the terms of the EU Part time Working Directive of 1997 by denying pension rights to part time fee paid judges where there is a full time salaried comparator. 

NB The information contained in this article is believed to be correct as at 3rd October 2014 but the situation may change in the light of future events over which the author has no control.    

29 September 2014

The way we were

A reflection on the way life for a barrister on the circuits used to be. 

Listening to (Lord) Jeremy Hutchinson on Desert Island Discs led me to recall life at independent criminal bar at its best. Anyone charged with a serious offence could walk into a High Street firm and any High Street firm could call on the services of Jeremy. The public money involved was well spent and never really questioned. Good quality advocates got to the real points in a case and addressed them directly. Time was saved. Justice is always done when high quality barristers oppose each other.  

16 January 2014
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Heading into summer

Chair of the Bar Sam Townend KC encourages colleagues to take a proper break over summer and highlights recent events and key activities for autumn

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