Marc Beaumont’s plan was for the Bar Council to administer the free-of-charge process in which applicants would cite their notable cases, research, contribution to the Bar Council/Inns, publications, and references. Whilst keeping standards high, a “sense of career progression” could be created at a time of poor morale. Beaumont also argues that the title of “junior counsel” is a “patent absurdity for senior barristers who have busy and successful practices but who do not get or do not want to apply for silk”. He commented: “The Bar Council has voted to refuse to consult the Bar about this proposal, which seems to have divided opinion very sharply. The Bar Chairman has agreed to look at the title ‘junior counsel’ as a separate issue. Meanwhile, a group of barristers will consider this issue outside of the Bar Council and present its proposal to the Chairman in due course.” (See Chairman’s column, p 3.)