These cuts are contained in legislation rushed through Parliament by the Ministry of Justice the day after the Easter break, the same day the election was announced.

The Chairman of the Bar, Nicholas Green QC said:
“We are extremely angry that the Government decided in a few days over Easter, and in the dying throes of the last Parliament, to impose these savage cuts. It appears to have little concern for the consequences on the administration of justice and the public interest in
ensuring access to justice. The Bar does not seek to avoid its fair share of the pain arising out of cuts to public spending but no other part of the public sector has been required to accept a cut of this depth in pay.

Moreover, there are far better ways of making savings which will do much less harm to the administration of justice. The Bar has made it clear that it is committed to working with government to make savings, but these approaches have been ignored. Given the unnecessary haste with which these cuts were imposed, the Bar must debate their impact on all levels of the profession and particularly on the Young Bar, which will be most badly affected by them. I am eager to convene a meeting of the Bar in order to hear the voice of the profession on this issue so that we can consider our options and agree the way forward.”

He added:
“The Government has claimed that it will not cut front-line services, but that is exactly what these cuts will achieve. We oppose these cuts
in the strongest possible terms and will canvass the views of the profession as a whole, to ensure its voice is heard.”