The BSB launched a consultation on 6 June, due to end on 30 September. It follows a year-long review headed by Derek Wood QC, which concluded in January.
Proposed BSB reforms due to take effect in 2013 would see CPD requirements doubled from 12 to 24 hours per year with activities being split into ‘verifiable’ activities (courses, judicial training and work shadowing, skills training, teaching at undergraduate level and above, and publishing legal books or articles) and ‘non verifiable’ activities requiring a declaration (reading law reports and listening to legal broadcasts). Supervising pupils would not count towards CPD, and nor would serving on committees or in a judicial capacity, or acting as a mediator.

The reform of CPD was the subject of this year’s Clementi Debate, held at London’s Centre Point in May. Panellists included Derek Wood QC, chair of the CPD Review Working Group. A range of views were presented during a lively debate, and the discussion has since continued on twitter, through blogs and in the media.