David Wurtzel

David Wurtzel

David practised at the criminal Bar for 27 years and is a door tenant at 18 Red Lion Court. Prior to his retirement, he was a consultant in the CPD department at City Law School and consultant editor of Counsel. David is a member of the Counsel Editorial Board.

Articles by this author


Who gets silk? 2023

Certain patterns repeat, but there is always something new to note, finds David Wurtzel, including a second year of large-scale pre-interview sifting and success for the youngsters

19 February 2024

Barrister's best: David Wurtzel

A cultural life and times

11 October 2023

Who gets silk? 2022

Congratulations to the 95! With applications up but awards down, David Wurtzel's statistical deep dive into the competition gives an indication of who is likely to succeed, who does not get silk and why, among other trends

13 February 2023

A classic Bar story: Sir Stephen Irwin

Having ‘retired’ as a full-time Lord Justice of Appeal and now chairing the MPs’ misconduct appeals panel, Sir Stephen reflects on a career which says a good deal about how Parliament, the Bar, Judiciary and legal system work. Interview by David Wurtzel

05 December 2022

Barristers’ working lives 2021

The 2021 survey of barristers’ working lives explores the lived experience of working as a barrister – and you want change!

By David Wurtzel

23 December 2021

Book review: Second Helpings

By Simon Brown

Marble Hill Publishers (Hardback, February 2021) ISBN 9781838303617 
Reviewed by David Wurtzel

22 April 2021

Enemies of the People? How Judges Shape Society

By Joshua Rozenberg  

Bristol University Press 2020

ISBN 9781529204506

Reviewed by David Wurtzel

14 December 2020

Book review: Talking Law, a Women in the Law UK Book

By Sally Penni

Independently published (March 2020), ISBN 979-8603267661, Paperback (295 pages)

Reviewed by David Wurtzel

19 May 2020

Book review: Playing off the Roof and Other Stories

By Simon Brown, Marble Hill Publishers (February 2020) ISBN 9781527254268. Reviewed by David Wurtzel

16 April 2020
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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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